10 Tools to Increase Website Traffic and Conversions

UPDATED June, 2024

Have you ever thought, “I’m okay with the amount of traffic I’ve got to my website. I don’t need any more.” No? Of course not. You always want more. Whether you’re already seeing decent traffic or struggling to get visitors, there’s always room for improvement. The foundation for a successful business is great website traffic. Without traffic, nothing else really matters. You need people visiting your site to turn them into customers.

Today, we focus on just that: generating website traffic. There are plenty of tactics and tools out there that can help improve your overall traffic. From capturing new visitors to retargeting previous ones, here are our top 10 tools to generate website traffic (as well as conversions!) in 2024.

1. Semrush


Organic traffic remains incredibly important for websites, and Semrush can help you optimize your content and keywords to rank higher on search results pages and get more organic traffic to your website. In particular, we love their keyword research tool that will allow you to find keywords that will be easier to rank for.

Semrush does much more than just keyword research, including helping you with paid traffic. In fact, it is one of the most complete SEO tools out there, and it’s one of our favorites. Track your website and your competitors to see what they are ranking for and see if you can find any opportunities for unique keywords to try and target yourself.

2. BuzzSumo


In addition to developing a solid keyword list to help drive organic traffic, you also need to build quality content that will leverage these keywords. The keyword here? Quality. Not only does the content need to be quality in terms of clarity, but the subject matter itself needs to be interesting and engaging so that users will want to read it, comment on it and share it.

BuzzSumo makes it easier for brands to figure out what content is trending to help shape strategy. Are you writing a series of blog posts on social media? Search the term on BuzzSumo to see the top-performing pieces of content on that subject. This can help guide you as you create your own content.
You can also use this tool to find relevant influencers to promote your content, which is another excellent way to boost your traffic. BuzzSumo makes it easy and will save you a lot of time by giving you all the best results in just a few clicks.

3. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO

Now that you’ve got your keywords and built some content with the help of Semrush and BuzzSumo, a great tool to turn to next is Yoast. This popular WordPress plugin is one of the best for on-page SEO, helping ensure your content is fully optimized for search engines. Yoast SEO improves your content’s visibility with features like real-time content analysis, readability checks and keyword optimization.

We particularly appreciate that Yoast offers suggestions for improvements you can make before publishing. The real-time analysis highlights areas to enhance your content, while readability checks ensure your text is clear and engaging. By optimizing your content for both your audience and search engines, Yoast SEO helps you achieve optimal readability and SEO performance, a winning combination to generate more traffic.

4. Google Analytics 4 (GA4)


GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, offering advanced tracking and analysis features that collect both website and app data. This unified view helps you understand user interactions across different platforms, providing a more comprehensive picture of user behavior. We also really like that GA4 focuses on event-based data instead of just session-based metrics, which means you get deeper insights into user actions rather than just high-level stats like session duration or page views.

With event-based tracking (similar to our custom events, but more on that later!), you can get a more complete picture of a user’s journey through your website, including actions they take, such as pages they click, videos they play or forms they submit. This detailed data helps you optimize your website for better performance by identifying areas for improvement and opportunities to enhance user experience.

By making data-driven decisions based on these insights, you can set the stage for long-term growth in website traffic and conversions and ensure that your site effectively meets the needs of your audience.

5. Canva


Visual content attracts more visitors, and Canva is a fantastic tool for creating appealing graphics and videos. Use it to design eye-catching visuals for your blog posts, social media and marketing materials. Engaging visuals can significantly boost your traffic by encouraging shares and clicks.

Even if you aren’t a graphic designer or don’t have one on your team, Canva makes it easy to create professional-quality visuals. Its extensive library of templates and intuitive interface allow anyone to produce stunning designs. With Canva, you can easily enhance your content’s appeal to help drive more traffic to your website.

6. Hotjar


Another excellent tool on our list to help you optimize your website for better performance is Hotjar. Hotjar offers insights into your website with tools like heatmaps and session recordings to understand how visitors interact with your site. By identifying areas for improvement, you can enhance user experience and increase traffic over time.

For example, heatmaps can show where users click the most on your homepage, providing insights into their user journey. With this information, you can ensure the pages they navigate to are optimized for desired actions like making a purchase or submitting a form. Heatmaps can also reveal potential issues that cause users to leave your site, such as high-click areas that lead nowhere (like an image or button with no link or a dead link). Addressing these problems can improve user engagement and drive more conversions at your site.

7. Mailchimp


Email marketing is a powerful way to drive traffic, and Mailchimp makes creating and managing effective email campaigns easy. With features like automation, A/B testing and integration with top web platforms, Mailchimp helps you reach your audience effectively. Just like we recommend with our push notifications, be sure to tap into their segmentation capabilities to send targeted emails to specific groups of consumers, increasing the likelihood they will click back to your website.

We also really appreciate Mailchimp’s ease of use. You can choose from various email templates to quickly create professional-looking emails. As we mentioned earlier, you can also use a tool like Canva to design visuals for your emails for an even greater impact. By leveraging Mailchimp’s comprehensive features, you can significantly bolster your website traffic through targeted and visually appealing email campaigns.

8. Adroll


We have already touched on tools that will help increase organic traffic, but paid traffic is, of course, an excellent way to increase your number of website visitors. Adroll makes it easy to target new potential customers and retarget existing customers or site visitors.

In particular, we love their retargeting ads. Retargeting is one of the best ways to increase relevant traffic to your website and will give you the best chance of those visitors actually converting (a 70% better chance!). Adroll enables you to set up standard retargeted ads or dynamic ads based on what a visitor views on your website.

Best of all, Adroll has a nearly endless list of placement options for your ads, including on search engines, websites and social media. This allows you to target your audience virtually anywhere they go online, and that’s pretty powerful!

9. Hootsuite


Social media is a major traffic driver for a lot of websites. We recommend checking your analytics (GA4 is a great choice!) to see where most of your visitors originate. Is social media one of your top sources? If not, it has the potential to be. If it is, you know you need to focus a lot of your digital marketing efforts on it. Either way, Hootsuite will help you make it happen.

Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media scheduling tools, and with good reason. It makes it easy to schedule posts for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, LinkedIn and more! Plus, it also has many other features like bulk scheduling, social listening and great analytics for reviewing performance.  

Hootsuite makes it easy to keep your social platforms filled with content that will drive traffic back to your website. Take advantage of it!

10. Aimtell 


Finally, don’t miss out on the opportunity to retarget your website visitors via web push notifications. These visitors have already shown an initial interest in your brand, making them much more likely to convert.

Aimtell makes sending targeted push campaigns that deliver instantly to desktop and mobile devices easy. With features like triggered notifications, dynamic segmentation, A/B testing, custom event tracking and global campaigns (great if you run numerous websites!) Aimtell is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic back to your website.

Our automated notifications and ability to track custom events (such as watching a video or submitting a form) make Aimtell a great tool for driving traffic through highly targeted and personalized notifications. One particularly effective notification for ecommerce sites is the abandoned cart campaign, which can significantly increase traffic and sales. Whether you are an ecommerce store, blogger, travel company, or anything in between, you can benefit from the power of web push notifications.

Wrapping Up

The internet may be crowded with millions of websites, but that doesn’t mean you have no control over how much (or how little) traffic comes to your website. These 10 tools will help you generate website traffic by targeting new visitors and retargeting existing ones. You have plenty of options to boost your traffic, from optimizing SEO and social media to running smart ads and sending web push notifications. Better yet, many of these tools will also help your website’s overall performance, which can result in a nice boost in conversions. What’s not to love? 

Is web push one of the tools you want to start using? Get started for free with Aimtell, or check out our blog or guides collection for additional resources.


Tags: digital marketing, tools to increase website traffic, web traffic, website traffic.
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