? Product Update: New Features and Improved Performance

Hey, Aimtell users! It’s been a little while since we’ve released some new updates, but don’t worry, we’ve been hard at work. Today we’re excited to share what we’ve been working on, which includes numerous performance improvements to VAPID, RSS feed notifications, action buttons, and reporting and analytics, as well as a new cookie requirement feature for opt in prompts. Let’s dive right in.

VAPID Improvements

We have made some significant improvements to our VAPID delivery to boost performance and speed. You also now have the ability to generate VAPID keys in the dashboard, or you can continue to use your existing GCM keys. You also are able to leverage multiple keys on one site if you want.

Optional Cookie Opt In

Our prompt management tools give you more control over where and when your opt-in prompt displays. You now have an additional option that gives you the ability to add a required cookie. With this enabled, the prompt will only display if the cookie exists.

This additional condition is useful if you are testing out something new and only want some of your audience to see it. Keep in mind you can use it in combination with other conditions you have set up as well. For example, if your prompt is set up to only display once a user scrolls down 50% of your page, adding this required cookie will limit the prompt even further, only showing to users where the cookie exists. This can also be helpful if you want to A/B test something, so be sure to keep it in mind.

RSS Feed Notifications Frequency Cap

For a while now you have had the ability to send RSS feed notifications, but you didn’t have any control over the frequency of those notifications. If you post numerous items (blog posts, videos, social media posts, etc.) to your RSS feed, it can add up quickly and result in numerous notifications sending to your subscribers.

You can now avoid going into notification overload by setting a frequency cap! This new setting allows you to select a maximum number of posts, as well as the time period for that maximum. Select any number as your maximum, and select a time period of either per day or per hour.

Easily find this new feature in the Settings tab under RSS Notifications as seen in the dashboard screenshot above. We’ve discussed notification frequency before; you don’t want to come across as spammy by sending too many. This features ensures that won’t happen when it comes to your RSS feed notifications.

Action Buttons for Triggered, RSS and API Notifications

We were so excited (and still are to be honest) to add action buttons to our push notifications. When the update first launched you were only able to add them to manual notifications, but not anymore! Now you’ll be happy to know that you can add action buttons to triggered, RSS and API as well.

When drafting your triggered notification you will now see the option to add up to two action buttons to your campaign. Just like our other action buttons, you have full control over the text of the button, as well as the URL it points to.

These buttons should give you a nice boost in engagement for your web push campaigns and also free up space in the body of your campaign. Be sure to check in with your analytics once you start using them to see how they are impacting your results!

Upgrades to Reporting and Analytics

Finally, we have updated our analytics reporting to give you an even better idea of how your web push campaigns are performing. You’ll now be able to see your CTR, how many notifications were sent and clicked, and how many conversions occurred in the form of a line or bar chart that can easily be downloaded and shared.

Wrapping Up

That’s it for now! These updates will help improve your overall user experience, click through rates, and make reporting even easier. Everything is available now so make sure you check them out in your dashboard.

Are there any other new features you’d like to see come to Aimtell? Let us know by sending us a message!

If you are new to web push, get started for free with Aimtell, or learn more about web push by reading our Beginner’s Guide.


Tags: action buttons, new features, optin, rss feed notifications*, rss notifications, vapid.
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