5 Digital Marketing Tips to Maximize Your Agency Profit

If you run a digital marketing agency, you have a lot to worry about. Not only do you need to keep your business running, you are responsible for helping create, update, or boost the success of your clients’ businesses as well. It’s a lot to juggle.

Maximizing your agency profit while still providing top quality service to all of your clients isn’t easy, but it is much more manageable once you’ve got a plan in place. Better yet, the more you focus on improving your overall agency, the better you will appear to clients, and the more profit you’ll end up with. Here are 5 quick digital marketing tips to maximize your agency profit.

These tips are a mix of quick things to do to improve your agency, as well as longer term goals that will set you up for great success for the rest of 2019, into 2020, and beyond! Let’s dive in.

1. Perfect your onboarding process

First impressions matter as much in professional situations as they do in personal ones. When it comes to your digital marketing agency, your onboarding process is your first real impression of your agency and how you work. You want to leave an excellent impression, not just a good one.

Perfecting your onboarding process is one of the best ways to secure your clients. This doesn’t just leave a good impression, it gives you a better chance that they will want to continue working with you, potentially beyond the initial scope of work that was agreed upon.

Image credit(s): Mod Girl Marketing


Above is a great infographic that gives a pretty good overview of what information to gather in your onboarding process. Beyond gathering crucial information, you want to make sure that everything goes incredibly smoothly. The better the process goes, the better.

Don’t just guess if your onboarding process is running smoothly- ask for feedback to see. This is great, especially if you are a new agency and still working out any potential kinks in your system (and trust us, there will be some- and that is okay!) Gather as much feedback as possible and make adjustments to your onboarding process to continually nudge it towards perfection.

This might go without saying, but if you don’t have a set onboarding process in place, make one. This won’t just impact your clients, it’ll help you stay on top of things as well and make life so much easier. Especially as you get busier and start juggling numerous clients, having a set process will be a major life saver.

2. Add in human touches

If you are like many digital marketing agencies, a lot of what you do (if not all) takes place online. There is nothing wrong with that, and in fact, it can open you up to a much larger pool of potential clients. However, the lack of a human touch can hold back your agency. Thankfully, it’s easy to add some human touches to your website and overall brand.

Revenue River is an agency that tackles this issue through the use of Instagram videos that they call ‘On the Hot Seat.’ Each episode features a different member of their team discussing both what they do professionally, as well as various things they like to do in their free time. It’s a great combination of adding a human touch while also promoting the agency and their capabilities- one team member at a time.

Video is always a great idea if you are able to pull it off. Almost 85% of marketers have found that video helps them increase traffic to their website. 94% say it helps increase user understanding.

If you can’t go with video, find other ways to add human touches to your brand. Even something as simple as an about page that features pictures of everyone on your team will help put a face to your brand. It can make a big difference!

3. Focus on your own brand

Beyond adding a human element to your brand, make sure you are dedicating enough time and energy to building your brand, website, and social profiles. After all, if you’re an agency that lists web design and development as a service, but your own website isn’t well designed or mobile friendly, is that going to instill confidence in potential clients?

Your website is one of your best portfolio examples for what you’re capable of. The same goes for your social media profiles. Yes, you should have a dedicated portfolio section that shows off client work, but if your own website isn’t anything special, a new client likely won’t even make it to your portfolio.

We use our blog to share industry tips and tricks as well as to reveal new features for our web push notifications.


A blog is another important element that can help maximize your agency profit. First of all, a blog helps with SEO, which is a great way to help your website organically appear higher on search results. A higher listing= more traffic = more potential clients.

Second of all, the blog content itself will help prove you are a major leader in your industry. It’s a great form of inbound marketing, which is yet another way you can pull in new clients and maximize your profit. If you offer content marketing services, a great blog can help sell that service to potential clients.

It is easy to have your own agency brand take a back seat when things get busy, but in reality, it is one of the best ways to maximize your profit and secure your clients. Be sure to keep things updated and fresh- even if it means hiring someone specific to take care of things. It’s an investment that will pay off.

4. Keep up with the latest digital marketing trends

Image credit(s): Cardinal Digital Marketing


In the world of digital marketing, the last thing you want is to appear outdated. Like it or not, that can happen easily if you don’t keep up with the latest industry trends. Things in digital marketing change fast! Just check out the above stat- a majority of marketers agree that marketing has changed more in the past 2 years than the past 50.

Whether you agree with that statement entirely or not, you can at least agree that things change quickly. From new trends, to new platforms, and changing user expectations, keeping up to date on everything is crucial in order to maximize your agency profit.

It is up to you to pass this knowledge along to your clients in order to regularly provide them with the best possible service. For example, if you provide social media marketing services, you should be on top of all new features and stats. A client may read or hear something about Snapchat and ask you about it. It is up to you to know if it is a right fit for them or not (for example).

To help set yourself apart from your competition, stay on top of new trends and offer unique services like web push notifications or live chat- two great ways to engage an audience directly. Being able to address client pain points is a great way to maximize your profits. For many, failing to connect with their audience is a major issue. If you can step in and offer a solution- you’re golden!

5. Prioritize client retention

Finally, prioritizing client retention over client acquisition will always result in increased profits. Research shows that about 80% of your business comes from just 20% of your current clients. Keeping your existing clients happy and dedicated to using your agency will always pay off (not to mention that it is just good practice- the goal should always be a happy client!)

When most people think of retention, they first think of B2C businesses, but the same logic applies for B2B businesses as well. We previously spoke about customer retention, and while we focused on ecommerce, much of the logic applies here as well.

When it comes to your marketing agency, here are some quick tips on how to really nail your client retention efforts:

  • Nail your onboarding process: We discussed this earlier, but it’s a major point for retention as well.
  • Always be available for a discussion: Within reason of course, but always respond as promptly as possible. Figure out how a client prefers to communicate and do your best to be accommodating. Hop on a phone call, send an email, or get on a video chat. A happy client is far more likely to become a recurring client.
  • Regularly provide updates: This could either be status updates if building a website or app, or sending reports on analytics for things like website performance, social media marketing marketing, email marketing, or web push notifications.
  • Exercise honesty: Don’t tell a client what they want to hear, tell them the truth. If they suggest something that seems unrealistic, or is simply a bad idea, offer up your industry expertise and tell them so. Long term, this will pay off, even if short term it feels uncomfortable telling someone that their idea isn’t great.
  • Be proactive: Like we mentioned earlier, things in digital marketing change all the time. Don’t wait for a client to come to you- reach out to them if you have a new idea that may help their brand. Whether they go for it or not, they will appreciate that you are prioritizing their brand and will have confidence that you will always have their best interests in mind and are committed to helping them grow.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully these digital marketing tips to maximize your agency profit will pay off for you this year and well into the future. By investing in your own brand, website, onboarding process, and inbound marketing, as well as your existing clients, you are sure to see an increase in your profits.

What digital marketing strategy has given your agency the most success? Let us know by sending us a message!

Do you want to offer web push notifications to your clients, or do you want to start using it at your own website? Get started for free with Aimtell, or learn more about web push by reading our Beginner’s Guide.


Tags: customer retention, digital marketing, digital marketing tips to maximize your agency profit*, marketing agency.
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