7 Shopify Automations to Boost Conversions

No matter what type of business you run, you always want to boost conversions. As you already know, that is always easier said than done. When it comes to ecommerce brands, this is especially true. With an overwhelming amount of competition to deal with, and billions of people online, it can feel like fighting a losing battle.

Thankfully, you aren’t expected to fight this battle alone. There are tons of tools out there that will help you get back in front and charge towards victory. Victory in this situation? More sales. While there are an endless amount of tools to choose from to help your ecommerce business, today we will be talking all about automation.

Automation will help you scale your business and boost sales without you having to put in a lot more effort. Once you get these tools set up, you will find that they do a lot of the hard work for you. And trust us, they are easier to work with than you might be thinking.

While there are several ecommerce platforms out there, today we will be discussing Shopify tools, as it is our preferred platform and has a massive app store that gives you easy access to all the tools you could ever need. Here are 7 Shopify automations to boost conversions that you should absolutely consider using.

1. Back in Stock

It is inevitable that your products will sell out, and while that is a good thing, it can also turn away new customers. If a customer sees that your product is sold out, they are likely to leave and go find a similar one somewhere else. However, a great way to capture their information, and the future sale, is to use a tool like Back in Stock.
Back in Stock gives customers the option to join a list for a particular item once it has sold out. All they need to do is provide their email address or phone number and they will be alerted the second it is back in stock! This will help you grow your email list and secure more sales, and all you have to do is a quick initial set up!

There is no coding required with this app, but you can easily customize it to match the theme of your store. It also easily integrates with numerous email platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor.

Price: There is a free plan, or select a paid plan starting at $19/month with a 14-day free trial

2. Thank You Email

The more personal, human touches you can add to your ecommerce brand, the better. Online shoppers still want to feel a connection to the brands they shop with, even if they only interact with them online. Salesforce conducted research and found that 9 out of their top 10 ranked brands scored above average on creating an emotional connection. One way you can do that online? Say thank you!

Believe it or not, something as simple as sending a thank you email can work wonders at keeping your customers happy and turning them into loyal customers for your business. The more repeat customers you have, the better your sales will be. It’s that simple. In fact, just a 5% increase in customer retention can measure up to a 75% increase in overall profitability.

Thank You Email is a simple, easy Shopify automation that allows you to send out an automated thank you message to every customer after they shop with you. It is such a great way to show that you care about your customers. While you may want to manually send a thank you message to each customer, no one really has time to do that. Automation ensures you can thank your customers without having to stay up around the clock sending messages on your own.

You have full control over what the message says, as well as when the message should send. Fully track your analytics to see how well your thank you messages are performing, and make tweaks as necessary based on your results.

Price: Free

3. Kit

Do any amount of research on how to increase sales for ecommerce and you’ll be given advice to run ads on social media. It’s great advice! Social ads are a great way to target potential customers and get them to shop with you. However, if you aren’t careful, you can end up racking up a large advertising budget with nothing to show for it.

Optimizing your Facebook ads so that they are successful and targeting the right audience isn’t easy. Thankfully, Kit is a great automation tool that will help you out. It is essentially your own marketing assistant that will help you create better ads. By analyzing things like your current customers, products, and more, it will give you smart recommendations that will help optimize your Facebook ads.

We love that Kit can help you both with your actual ads, as well as your targeting. Both are crucial for ad success, so this is an incredibly valuable tool that will help you make the most of your social media ads. Keep in mind that since Facebook owns Instagram, Kit will be able to help with your Instagram ads as well. Considering that 30% of Instagram users have purchased a product they discovered on Instagram, it is well worth your time to get your ads right.

Kit will help save you time, analyzing your brand for you and giving you the recommendations you need to make the right ads and to connect with the right people.

Price: Free to install (fees will be based on ad spend on Facebook)

4. Pre-Order Manager

Another great way to boost conversions is to build up awareness about new products you are launching. Instead of just building awareness, we recommend using a tool like Pre-Order Manager to allow your customers to pre-order new products of yours!

This can also work great for items that are currently out of stock. With Pre-Order Manager, you can set it up to automatically update your cart button to ‘pre-order’ for items that are out of stock. It is a great way to ensure your customers can get your product instead of searching for a similar one elsewhere.

Because there is so much competition these days with ecommerce brands, you have to be proactive about capturing sales whenever you can- even if that is pre-orders for a new item or for one that is currently out of stock. Don’t just hope that your customers will come back, give them a reason to by allowing them to pre-order!

Price: $24.95/month with a 7-day free trial

5. Bizzy Social Proof

Social proof is a great way to boost conversions, but it can also be one of the most time consuming aspects of your marketing if you don’t get smart with automation. Thankfully, a tool like Bizzy Social Proof can help you automate social proof in a way that can help you skyrocket your conversions.

Social proof has become a necessary part of marketing for ecommerce brands. It helps build trust for the brand, and in fact nearly 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust a recommendation from a friend or family member.

Bizzy Social Proof will help you with what is considered ‘live social proof’ by showing off sales live as they happen. This happens in the form of a subtle pop-up that can display on any page you want at your website. For example, you may set up your product pages to display popups for those specific products so that new customers can see that it is popular and selling well with other people.

This type of live social proof has been shown to increase conversions by up to 15%. It is a major game changer, and best of all, it is so easy to set up and get started with! We also love that Bizzy integrates with Google Analytics so that you can get more detailed information about how your social proof pop ups are working. You can even set UTM parameters so that you can track how well a specific popup is performing. It is a must have tool that is sure to result in a nice boost in conversions.

Price: $6.99/month with a 14-day free trial

6. Frequently Bought Together

Cross selling is a classic selling technique that remains an effective way to boost conversions. Manually implementing this at your ecommerce store would be incredibly time consuming, but thankfully, Frequently Bought Together is an app that will automate this process.

Getting started with cross selling is a great way to see a nice sales bump. Amazon reports that as much as 35% of their profit comes as a result of cross selling and upselling. If it’s good enough for Amazon, it should be good enough for you!

Frequently Bought Together works by analyzing all previous purchases at your store in order to learn common patterns, allowing it to accurately display the correct related products. While Frequently Bought Together can be fully automated, you can also manually add specific products if you want to.

Best of all, with Frequently Bought Together, you can boost its effectiveness even further by automatically offering a bundled discount payment to a customer should they choose to buy all of the products. This is a great way to incentivize buying the related products and will help boost your sales even higher.

If you have a large catalog of products, this is a great way to help increase sales (as well as just general awareness) about more of your products. Given that Frequently Bought Together can handle everything on its own, there is no reason to not give it a try.

Price: $6.99/month with a 30-day free trial

7. Aimtell

People abandon product pages and their shopping carts all the time. The average abandoned cart rate hovers at about 70%. Furthermore, nearly 60% of consumers say that they abandon their cart because they simply aren’t ready to buy. That is fine, but you don’t want them to leave forever! Retargeting abandoned carts or abandoned sessions on a product page is a great way to boost conversions.

With Aimtell and web push notifications, you can easily set up a variety of automated campaigns, called triggered campaigns. These campaigns will send out to an individual user once they do the specific action that triggers the notification. This could be abandoning their cart, visiting a product page, or even just subscribing to your notifications in the first place. There are several automated campaign types you can set up.

In particular, campaigns targeting abandoned carts will help you see a nice boost in conversions. All you have to do is set up the triggered campaign and set it live. From there, it will be sent automatically to any subscriber who abandons their cart. It couldn’t be easier!

We recommend checking in with your analytics to monitor your performance. If your abandoned cart campaign isn’t performing well, consider adding an incentive like a discount code or free shipping in order to encourage the user to come back and finish the purchase. Plus, check out these 8 free templates for abandoned cart campaigns for some inspiration setting up your own.

Price: Plans start at $29/month with a 14-day free trial

Wrapping Up

These Shopify automations to boost conversions will help you work smarter, not harder. Your time should go into building your business and your products. Let these automations handle a lot of the other work! From sending reminder emails, to retargeting abandoned carts, upselling items at checkout, utilizing social proof, handling pre-orders, running social ads, and more, these automations will help you boost conversions without you having to put in major time to make it happen.

Which part of your ecommerce business do you wish you could automate? Which of these tools will help make that happen? Let us know!

If you want to start using Aimtell to send web push notifications to your customers, you can get started for free, or you can learn more by reading our Beginner’s Guide.


Tags: automation, digital marketing, ecommerce, shopify, shopify automations to boost conversions*, web push notifications.
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